Debuting on video—A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, interviewed by Joanna Penn

For years, I’ve been holding my husband and son captive over the dinner table as I wave my hands and rant and rave about fiction, writing, publishing, all the many and wonderful intricacies of this extraordinary art and craft. For years. Recently, I’ve been interviewed online in a number of places, including Rachell Russell, The Meta Game, Editing Hacks, Constant Revision, and Book Trends Blog.

And now for the first time Joanna Penn of the Creative Penn has interviewed me on video.

Aaaaghgh! Yes, I really do wave my hands that much in real life.

Please join us at the Mixon kitchen table for the first step in this new (rather unsettling) phase of my life as an independent editor: The Art & Craft of Story with Victoria Mixon.

3 thoughts on “Debuting on video—A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, interviewed by Joanna Penn

  1. Jeffrey Russell says:

    Nice job, Victoria.

  2. M.E. Anders says:

    Isn’t Joanna wonderful? She’s a fabulous host and makes each guest feel special. So excited to watch you “in action,” Victoria. I LOVE video interviews. 🙂

  3. Dave and I will be watching, with wine to hand. We are SO looking forward to this. Don’t forget to tweet!

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