Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writers:
Open Nominations

You know, I’ve always wondered where Writer’s Digest gets their nominations for the 101 Best Websites for Writers. However, I never actually did any research—you guys know how I am about research, always both preaching and shrieking about it in fairly equal measure.

So today my alter-ego blog, Writer Unboxed, finally unveiled the mystery for me.

As you are all probably aware, Writer Unboxed has been named one of the Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers since 2007, which in blogging terms means since just about the time the phrase “online writing community” was invented.

And, as you are also all probably aware, it is the only other website with which I am affiliated as a contributor. Because, as much as I love so many of the websites of my friends and colleagues out there in the online writing community, I am always way too busy to contribute regularly to them.

Busy doing what?

Busy editing you.

So I confine myself to appearing once a month in the Writer Unboxed newsletter with my editorial advice column, Ask Victoria, opposite Chuck Sambuchino’s agent advice column, Ask Chuck.

But now, if you’d like to see A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, appear alongside Writer Unboxed in next year’s Writer’s Digest 101 Best Blogs for Writers. . .

You can!

I would be utterly touched and grateful for your nomination.

Please feel free to click here to write to Writer’s Digest to nominate this blog with the subject line 101 Websites.

They particularly like it when you tell them why you’re nominating a blog.

You can tell them it’s because I love you.