
The Art & Craft of Story: 2nd Practitioner’s Manual, La Favorita Press, September 30, 2011.

The State of the Industry: Fiction


Chapter 1: Loving in the Time of Cholera with Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Chapter 2: Searching for Entertainment-Industry Intelligence

Chapter 3: How Stories are Written

Accepting the Gullibility of Being a Storyteller
Reviewing the Definition of a Story
Reviewing the Definition of Fiction
Reviewing the Purpose of Storytelling
Character Arc/Narrative Arc

Chapter 4: Relationship & Quest—the Only Two Stories

Mining Yourself
Distinguishing Between Together & Alone
Molding & Being Molded by Relationship
Aiming Past Ecstasy through Quest

Chapter 5: Reading with Attention

Reading for Plot Design
Reading for Character Development

Chapter 6: Creating Reader Addiction

Creating the Basic Tension in Character
Creating the Basic Tension in Plot

Chapter 7: Creating Reader Fulfillment

Touching Your Reader’s Core with Resonance
Playing Fair with Resonance

Chapter 8: Graphing in Three Dimensions with (x,y,z)—Theme

Chapter 9: Drawing a Visual Analogy

Drawing an Icon
Applying the Analogy to Storytelling