Guest speaking on exposition on Twitter Sunday

That’s today. I know. I’m springing this on you. Sorry about that.

Today, Sunday, 3:00-4:30 Pacific Time, I’ll be talking about exposition on #storycraft on Twitter. I’m the guest speaker. I don’t know what time that is where you are—you’ll have to break out the ole calculator. Just go on Twitter and search for #storycraft. That’ll be us.

I’ve been writing a lot of pieces about exposition on the magazine lately, but not so much on this blog. So here’s your chance! Haven’t you ever wondered what exposition IS? Much less how to use it properly? Tricky little devil, I know. Just like omniscient narrator is, only different. Because they’re not the same thing at all, although they share certain characteristics and goals, and they have a quality that makes them two of the most misunderstood and misused aspects of the craft of fiction out there, especially by beginners.

Are you confused enough? Because I am.

Join us today on Twitter: exposition on #storycraft.

(OH. Almost forgot! The #storycraft folks will be hosting a flash fiction contest on exposition after this chat, over on their site at the Storycraft blog. Judging will be performed by moi. First prize: a freebie downloadable version of my new book The Art & Craft of Fiction: A Practitioner’s Manual, 2010, La Favorita Press.)

2 thoughts on “Guest speaking on exposition on Twitter Sunday

  1. Tamara says:

    Your discussion points and examples during the #storycraft chat were excellent! Thank you for sharing your expertise. I didn’t join the conversation, but I was observing and, of course, you sent me straight to my work to see how I could make it better 🙂 Thank you!

  2. Victoria says:

    Thanks, Tamara! I love those darn examples. I have more, too. I just hauled a stack of some of my favorite books out of the bookcases in my office and started thumbing through them at random. I’m going to post the whole shebang on the advice column at the end of the week, kind of round things out.

    But I have to say, I’ve been trying like heck to read The House of the Seven Gables, and Nathaniel Hawthorne has TOTALLY lost my interest. What a blowhard.

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