Encumbered by Idjits: a guest post on Writer Unboxed

So yesterday I was trading email with the fabulous Therese Walsh of Writer Unboxed about the guest post I was writing for them, and we were kvetching about the state of the publishing industry, and I quoted that one great line out of the otherwise completely forgettable 1980s movie, Young Guns II.

You know the line.

And she laughed so hard she said she wanted it on a T-shirt, but I didn’t have an extra T-shirt or the ability to put a quotation on one if I had it, so I wrote a guest post for her about it instead.

However, since I’d just written two draft posts for her on other topics and they’d both turned out ranty, I got off the subject of Young Guns as quickly as possible in this one. (I’m pretty ranty about bad 1980s movies.)

Instead, I wrote about what to do when you’re caught between the Self-Loathing Phase of Revision and your Delusions of Grandeur. Because, honestly, we writers do spend an awful lot of time on the pendulum between the two extremes.

Come over and join us—we’re talking about coping with this writing life today on Writer Unboxed.

2 thoughts on “Encumbered by Idjits: a guest post on Writer Unboxed

  1. Jeffrey Russell says:

    “… what to do when you’re caught between the Self-Loathing Phase of Revision and your Delusions of Grandeur”

    You’re saying there is a place BETWEEN them? I’d love to go there sometime! I’m always in one place or the other.

    1. Victoria says:


      That’s why you’re always bumping into all the rest of us, Jeffrey.

      Did you see the post on Writer Unboxed? That’s the place between.

      (Also, there’s a comment—way at the very end of the Writer Unboxed comments—by an up-coming new client who has been talking on Twitter about how nervous he is about sending me his stuff. Reassure Mister Wakefield if you can, will you? Tell him I don’t eat writers for breakfast. Well, not always anyway. . .)

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