Well, folks, it looks like I raised a little dust storm over on Writer Unboxed this weekend with a comic post about the difference between quality fiction and the modern frantic dash for instant 99-cent fame.
Sadly, a few commenters misunderstood my encouragement that we strive for spectacular art as a snobby insistence that we accept only validation from the modern traditional publishing industry.
Wow—is that a cow-pie to step into! Especially for anybody who’s ever heard of my books.
(Or seen my shoes.)
Oh, it’s so easy to become discouraged in these publishing times and cast around wildly for someone to blame, I know, even aside for the common blogosphere lack of courtesy in some quarters these days.
However, I absolutely love this first comment, from Alex Wilson:
Who can fail to be charmed (and informed) by your circuitous lesson, Victoria? Wonderfully creative. Nice job.
Most of the other comments are along the same lines—wonderful, kind, smart craftspeople getting it. I’ve heard privately from the Writer Unboxed folks to encourage me, and I’ve been over there responding to all the great folks who get it.
So please join us over on Writer Unboxed for a hoppin’ discussion of Damn Spectacular Feet.