6 Essentials for a Writer’s Perfect Weekend:
Now with MORE Dancing Dragons!

This weekend I, inadvertently but unmistakably, stumbled upon the six essentials for a Writer’s Perfect Weekend. I swear, it was like having a dragon fall out of the sky and land on me. Wow. It was exactly the way the Climactic epiphany of all great fiction is meant to be:… Read more“6 Essentials for a Writer’s Perfect Weekend: <br>Now with MORE Dancing Dragons!”

The 2 Choices of a Writer in These Best of Times & Worst of Times

Never doubt that thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.—Margaret Mead I’ve talked a lot to you guys, over the past four years on this blog, about the choices we all face as writers—especially during these turbulent publishing times. I’ve researched… Read more“The 2 Choices of a Writer in These Best of Times & Worst of Times”

The 4 Keys to the 2012 Presidential Election
& One Essential Step: VOTE

Welcome to America. Conscience As the 2012 Presidential election approaches this November, I’ve found myself asking my conscience whether or not I can limit my blog presence to a pure conversation about writing, when I know the welfare of my own son hangs in the balance of this election. I… Read more“The 4 Keys to the 2012 Presidential Election<br>& One Essential Step: VOTE”