Last week my husband made me my own custom mug. Then we discovered you could also get them as all kinds of different drinking vessels like frosted glasses and travel mugs and a cup that looks black when it’s cold but shows the design as it heats up. Then he… Read more“Has a Techno-Shaman Ever Worn Your Blog T-Shirt?”
Author: Victoria
Frequently Asked Questions
In March 2011, I was asked to speak to the Mendocino Writers Club. And I was so struck by the similarity of the questions I was asked to those I’m asked every day by clients and blog-readers and commenters that I compiled the top four most-frequently questions into a series… Read more“Frequently Asked Questions”
3 Things the Editor Gordon Lish Did Right by Raymond Carver
Wow, it’s been five years since the New Yorker magazine published the original editing job Gordon Lish did on Raymond Carver’s short story, “Beginners.” You may or may not have heard about the fracas surrounding that publication. And even if you’ve read some of Carver’s work, you might not recognize… Read more“3 Things the Editor Gordon Lish Did Right by Raymond Carver”
Mugs & Publishers: What’s the Difference? (Is There One?)
Okay, two very disparate things to draw links between today (which linking is, of course, the basic act of all art): MUGS We had a quick chat last week on the writing Lab about whether or not we need these:
7 Aspects of Writing from Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin
I used to listen to the radio so much I actually played it all night when I was a teenager while I slept. Then I stopped for about thirty-five years and just started again this past weekend when it occurred to me it’s a really easy way to listen to… Read more“7 Aspects of Writing from Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin”
20 Brilliant Vintage Authors
A couple of weeks ago Sabine asked a fabulous question in the comments on Being Interviewed by Rachel X Russell: Thanks for that great interview. Your obvious love of literature is refreshing in an environment where there is too much talk about sales and marketing. Speaking of vintage mysteries, I… Read more“20 Brilliant Vintage Authors”
29 Guest Posts & Chapter Excerpts
Guess what I just did? That’s right—I accidentally re-posted a blog post from 2011. And someone (Chihuahua Zero) caught it. You’re in high school, Chihuahua. Aren’t you supposed to be doing your homework? Anyway, I have a good excuse: I just spent all morning putting together a page on my… Read more“29 Guest Posts & Chapter Excerpts”
Beyond the 4 Most Common Fiction Mistakes: guest post on the Creative Penn
Joanna Penn, as you all know, has made an impressive name for herself in the online writing community by providing solid, smart self-marketing tips and guidelines for aspiring writers, based on the success of her first novel, Pentacost. She’s also one of the Top 10 Bloggers for Writers 2010-11 with… Read more“Beyond the 4 Most Common Fiction Mistakes: guest post on the Creative Penn”
The 6 Parts of Story in Pictures (Fawns in a Meadow)
Last week we learned who my nemesis is and how they make me the protagonist of my own little terribly heartwrenching story. I was offline all week, during which time I had lots of opportunity to both work in my garden and observe my nemesis observing me. So today I’m… Read more“The 6 Parts of Story in Pictures (Fawns in a Meadow)”
2 Ways to See Yourself Through Your Own Story
Ever since we built our house in the woods, we’ve had a momma deer living on our property. And every fall a handsome young buck has visited her. Now, those deer are not exactly an unmixed blessing in our lives. We haven’t been able to put in a vegetable garden… Read more“2 Ways to See Yourself Through Your Own Story”