3 Things the Editor Gordon Lish Did Right by Raymond Carver

Wow, it’s been five years since the New Yorker magazine published the original editing job Gordon Lish did on Raymond Carver’s short story, “Beginners.” You may or may not have heard about the fracas surrounding that publication. And even if you’ve read some of Carver’s work, you might not recognize… Read more“3 Things the Editor Gordon Lish Did Right by Raymond Carver”

Beyond the 4 Most Common Fiction Mistakes: guest post on the Creative Penn

Joanna Penn, as you all know, has made an impressive name for herself in the online writing community by providing solid, smart self-marketing tips and guidelines for aspiring writers, based on the success of her first novel, Pentacost. She’s also one of the Top 10 Bloggers for Writers 2010-11 with… Read more“Beyond the 4 Most Common Fiction Mistakes: guest post on the Creative Penn”