3 Famous Authors & the Secret Unpublished Memoir of the Decade:
The Absolute Elsewhere, by Millicent Dillon

This is another of my really long posts, but if you want you can just skim the famous names in bold and go straight to the big, bold title centered at the bottom. That’s the unpublished memoir of the decade. It’s an unbelievable story. Paul Bowles In the first part… Read more“3 Famous Authors & the Secret Unpublished Memoir of the Decade: <br><em>The Absolute Elsewhere</em>, by Millicent Dillon”

6 Steps to Spattering Writing Like Glue All Over Yourself

Here’s my story for you guys for this week. Because I’m a storyteller: Start innocently Yesterday I was at the kitchen table while my husband baked a complicated type of Italian bread (in between bouts of gardening—the man’s a miracle to live with). I was doing our monthly household bookkeeping,… Read more“6 Steps to Spattering Writing Like Glue All Over Yourself”

“It Sounds Like Your Stuff”—guest post on Writer Unboxed

Today I’m guest posting over on Writer Unboxed, talking about that wonderful, horrible moment when you re-read your first draft and discover you’ve written complete gibberish. I’m pretty sure you all know what I’m talking about. It’s a heck of a sobering day—even for those of us soused to the… Read more““It Sounds Like Your Stuff”—guest post on Writer Unboxed”