Victoria, You have changed my whole outlook on what good writing is and is not. Thanks. I am from the South. Texas to be exact. I am writing a story about the South. The hill country of Tennessee to be exact. I am confused about whether to use or not… Read more“How to use regional influence for distinctive voice”
Category: Advice Column
Writing & not writing what you know
A very well-read friend of mine, who is not a writer, keeps giving me the sage advice of write what I know. I’ve tried that. I don’t like it. I much prefer to let my somewhat askew of center brain go to places of imagination which I have never experienced… Read more“Writing & not writing what you know”
Critiquing & being critiqued
I struggle with critiquers having a mind set of ‘just the facts’ style of writing, paring the story down to the bare bones, but maybe that’s not the writer’s ‘true style’ and the critters can’t see that, so even when the mss. is whittled down to its essence, there still… Read more“Critiquing & being critiqued”
Bringing quality literature to the masses
The quality debate is of course the biggie. If the legacy publishers are already dumbing down expectations, and new writers are self-publishing too soon with inferior quality products, what chance of quality works being found? Or maybe, just maybe, I need to rethink what “quality” writing is. Is “quality” writing… Read more“Bringing quality literature to the masses”
10 best books for aspiring writers
Dear Editor, Galley Cat had an interesting twist for your hotel room: “According to the Midnight’s Children author Salman Rushdie will be selecting ten American classics to be featured in the guest rooms at New York City’s Standard Hotel.” I’m wondering: Which classics would you include for the average hotel… Read more“10 best books for aspiring writers”
Distinguishing between editing & interfering with voice
Currently, I serve as first reader for an acquaintance/internet friend. She’s been published a couple of times by POD/electronic firms. I know, from having asked her, that her Very Favorite Writer (Formative Years division) has produced an entire shelf full of well-aged mulch. I wasn’t going to call it that,… Read more“Distinguishing between editing & interfering with voice”
Ungarbling your resolution
I have a question about #5 [on 5 Pickles to Write Yourself Into]. Is a garbled resolution the same as an ambiguous resolution—one where there’s no ‘happily-ever-after’ ending? Meaning an ending where there’s no clear winner or loser, perhaps reflecting the shades of gray found in real life? I feel… Read more“Ungarbling your resolution”
Judging when to use or not to use exposition
First draft work on character-driven story: 1) how to know when you’ve explained & exposed enough to complete a scene—can some parts be summarized to sort of give a gist of what’s happening? I’m familiar with the purpose of a scene, but fleshing it out is something else again—leaving some… Read more“Judging when to use or not to use exposition”
Setting your novel someplace other than the US
Hi Victoria, I’ve been following your website for a while and now have a question that I hope you can assist with. I am a writer who lives in Australia. I’ve been told countless times that setting a novel in Australia (or most places outside the US) can mean the… Read more“Setting your novel someplace other than the US”
Surfing your writing rhythm: for young writers
I’m 18. . .I will get an idea in my head, and I could write for hours from that one idea. After that idea is gone, for several days not one word will be written on the paper. Is that normal for writers?—Josh Miller Oh, yes, Josh. That is totally… Read more“Surfing your writing rhythm: for young writers”