Sasha Troyan is a Professor of English at Montclair University in New Jersey and author of the novels Angels in the Morning and The Forgotten Island, both Booksense Selections and critically-acclaimed by Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews—tragic and beautiful stories based upon her childhood in France.
I worked with Troyan to develop her new novel, Marriage A Trois, about a woman’s desperate struggle to live with the domineering mother of her adored husband. When the couple’s relationship collapses under the weight of interference, they cross the line between what has really happened to them and the lies that we tell ourselves in remembering.
I also worked with Troyan to develop her new novel, Semester, about a young teacher of remedial English at a community college in an American inner-city. Semester explores the ways in which the teacher’s age and gender make her a target for the outrage of her troubled students—a modern-day version of Bel Kaufman’s 1970s bestseller Up the Down Staircase.
Troyan says:
“Your suggestions are terrific. I wish I had shown you my novels sooner!”