Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest runs a regular feature in which he interviews literary agents. This week it’s children’s literature agent Erin Murphy of Erin Murphy Literary Agency.
He also runs a Successful Queries feature showing actual, real-life queries that actually, in real life, worked.
And, finally, Chuck got 20 Tips to Query Letters from literary agent Janet Reid. Twenty’s a lot of tips!
Jane Friedman of Writer’s Digest runs a query workshop for a hundred bucks, but even more than that she very generously lists a whole series of helpful links about querying.
Also, Mary Kole of Andrea Brown Literary Agency has been running a Query Contest for children’s literature.
Rachelle Gardner of WordServe Literary has written a terrific piece on how to avoid getting an agent.
And there’s this great query tip from Kate Epstein of The Epstein Literary Agency: “Don’t tell me you’re writing because your day job isn’t paying off or you lost it.”
It just proves you don’t know diddley about what authors make.