Linking to Indiebound

I just spent the day reading interviews on Writer Unboxed. Do you know about those guys? They’re pretty cool. And they’ve interviewed LOTS of people!

I went there originally this morning to re-read their interviews with Donald Maass and Lisa Rector and refresh my memory for the co-interview I’m doing with those two right now. (There have been unavoidable delays, but it is going forward nicely.)

However, I got hung up on an interview Writer Unboxed did with independent bookstore manager Robert Dougherty of Clinton Book Store, because it’s all about Indiebound. And I realized I ought to be bringing Indiebound to your attention. So you can bring it to other people’s attention. So they can pass it on.

Because Indiebound is the voice of independent booksellers online, and I can’t even tell you how important that is—to you, to me, to all the writers and readers out there.