6 thoughts on “Drawing an analogy between writing and art

  1. Anjali says:

    Love this post, Victoria. Very, very true!

  2. Victoria says:

    Thank you, Anjali! There is so much about fiction that is about what you put in, and there is so much more about what you leave out.

  3. Nina says:

    A lovely logo. It would surely catch my eye in a shop, even when tiny on a spine.

    Good luck with your book launch! (I just read your post on She Writes, yes it all piles up in the wrong moment for writers, it seems. For anyone, perhaps.)

  4. Victoria says:

    Thank you, Nina! Our deadline is tomorrow. We are yanking ourselves bald today.

    I’ll be posting my last guest post on She Writes this Friday about the release. Hopefully, we’ll have a full cover to show, including the logo in the spine, like Sandra Beardsley showed us hers.

  5. Sue Z Smith says:

    I love your logo — the position of the hands, the black and white, the romance of it. The story behind it is equally as wonderful. La Favorita Press! It has such a beautiful ring to it. Good luck with your book launch!

  6. Victoria says:

    Thanks, Sue! We are lying flat on our backs on the living room floor this weekend, staring at the ceiling and making vague gestures of fear and anticipation.

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