Selling mechanical or artistic literature in today’s market

To some, writing is a skill. To others, it’s intuitive. I’ve been reading of late a small controversy brewing over the mechanical writer vs. the artistic. I believe that there is a place in this world for both, but my question is which technique does better in the general fiction… Read more“Selling mechanical or artistic literature in today’s market”

8 Ways Your Story Needs to be Tweaked

Your characters need to be more distinct from each other. We all have different personalities out here. We want to identify with one character. If you make us look less-than-unique, we will get bored and decide you don’t understand us. Your plot needs to be more solidly structured. Cause. And… Read more“8 Ways Your Story Needs to be Tweaked”

Differentiating between exposition in fiction & film

Is there an equivalent to exposition in film?—@akimoku In scriptwriting, exposition is described as “Act II stuff,” more than a quarter of the way in. Exposition as backstory in film, often flashback scene (dreams, memories, etc.) In film, it’s sometimes dialogue, but usually action. Someone finds a old news clipping,… Read more“Differentiating between exposition in fiction & film”

Differentiating between exposition & character experience

Re: 3rd person: what is the difference between 1st person telling us their feelings and 3rd person feeling etc (both expos?)—@AidanFritz What (if any) is the relationship between interior monologue and exposition?—@destigarribia Are there certain POVs that lend themselves to use of exposition more than other, as in exposition that… Read more“Differentiating between exposition & character experience”

Differentiating between exposition & dialog

Pointing out during an exposition can be done via a dialogue or whatever?—@so_you_know In 3rd person, is there the same leeway for expository dialogue? Still characters talking, feels different—@Wiswell Now, there are three levels of specific perspective you can employ in telling a story: dialog (“She said that?” Yes, she… Read more“Differentiating between exposition & dialog”