
Hey, do you guys want to help me out? We’re learning about Amazon’s recommendations engine, and one of the things they use is the ‘tag’ function, which just says, “Yeah, this is what this book is about.” If you have a couple of seconds and would like to, you could zoom over the my Amazon pages and ‘agree’ with the tags we’ve set up—just agreeing, “Yes, this book is a book on writing.” The Art & Craft of Fiction. The Art & Craft of Fiction (Kindle). The Art & Craft of Story.

I guess it’s a screening process to keep people from submitting books to unrelated categories in the hopes of gaming the system to become ‘best sellers’ in obscure categories. (Although you have to wonder how The Count of Monte Cristo got to #2 under Writing Skills.)

But I’m going to turn it into a game with Roz, because she has over 100 agreements on some of her categories! And I have, like, two.

The Art & Craft of Fiction. The Art & Craft of Fiction (Kindle). The Art & Craft of Story.

By the way, Roz’s book Nail Your NovelI is in the top 10 on the Kindle under Writing Skills. (It was #7, then half-an-hour later #6—I guess those things change fast.) She’s almost caught up with Anne Lamott!

6 thoughts on “Tagging

  1. chris says:


    1. Victoria says:

      Thank you, Chris! All the way from Finland, too.

  2. Maine Character says:

    Tag – you’re it.

    And Roz’s book is now at #3! Right after that Dumas hack.

    1. Victoria says:


      She’s a superstar, that’s what she are.

      “Dumas hack” :))

  3. I’m gonna nail that count.

    1. Victoria says:

      You’ve already nailed it. I’m just climbing your coattails.

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