Being interviewed about Storytelling by Joanna Penn

So, a year ago Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn and I got together on videocam and met each other face to face for the first time ever.

This was huge for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being that Joanna and I had ‘known’ each other out here in the virtual world for a long time by then—almost two years, ever since we were both voted 10 Best Blogs for Writers in 2010/11—and we had a fabulous time talking about storytelling and reader addiction and genre vs. literary fiction, as well as how many times I wave my hands when I talk (a lot) and where the point of all writing lies (apparently directly under my camera).

We even did an impromptu Developmental Edit from her single sentence synopsis of her current Work-in-Progress. Great fun!

I said, “Doot, doot, doot,” a whole bunch of times.

And If you watch very, very closely, you’ll see the ghost in the rocking chair:

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