Writer’s Digest:
101 Best Websites for Writers

I’ve got a logger out there felling big trees around my meadow today—zzzzz, BOOM, instant sunshine!—so I’m just popping in very quickly to let you all know that I heard from Writer’s Digest this morning that my blog has been judged one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers 2013.

I know I’m supposed to thank my mother and my father and all the people who ever taught me about writing, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. . .but I’m not going to.

I’m going to thank you.

You guys. You’re the ones who make it worthwhile!

Thank you all!

“The freshest and
most relevant advice
you’ll find.”

—Helen Gallagher,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer

The Art & Craft of Fiction
The Art & Craft of Story

A. Victoria Mixon, Freelance Independent Editor

Victoria’s Advice Column: Eliminating the Internal Critic—For Young Writers