Fiction Southeast, literary magazine

Exciting news!

This summer I was contacted by Fiction Southeast, the prestigious online literary magazine. They asked if I’d be interested in contributing a regular monthly piece for them. They’ve published Joyce Carol Oates, Ron Carlson, Robert Olen Butler, Michael Marton, and Aimee Bender, so they were offering me quite illustrious company indeed.

I debated with myself.

While I was typing yes.

Now today my first piece went live: “Becoming a Freelance Independent Editor: For Young Writers.”

They’ll be drawing further pieces from my books, Art & Craft of Writing Fiction and Art & Craft of Writing Stories (which my publisher and I are reissuing this month, with slightly updated titles). They’ll also use pieces from Victoria’s Advice Column (from which “Becoming an Editor” is taken), as well as this blog.

So please shoop on over and check it out!

“Becoming a Freelance Independent Editor: For Young Writers”

Fiction Southeast.full size