SASHA TROYAN is a Professor of English at Montclair University and author of the critically-acclaimed novels Angels in the Morning and The Forgotten Island, both Booksense Selections, beautiful stories based upon her childhood in France. I worked with Troyan to develop her new novels, Marriage A Trois and Semester. Read more. . .
LUCIA ORTH is the author of the debut novel, Baby Jesus Pawn Shop, which received critical acclaim from Publisher’s Weekly, NPR, Booklist, Library Journal and Small Press Reviews. I edited a number of essays and articles for Orth. Read more. . .
BHAICHAND PATEL, retired after an illustrious career with the United Nations, is now a journalist based out of New Dehli and Mumbai, an expert on Bollywood and author of three non-fiction books published by Penguin. I developed and line edited Patel’s best-selling debut novel, Mothers, Lovers, and Other Strangers, published by Pan Macmillan. Read more. . .
SCOTT WILBANKS, represented by Barbara Poelle of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency, is the author of the cult classic, The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster, published by Sourcebooks in August, 2015. I worked with Wilbanks to develop his sophomore novel, Easy Pickens, the story of the world’s only medically-diagnosed case of chronic naiveté. Read more. . .
TRENT A. ROMER, along with his brother, is third-generation owner of family plastic-bag manufacturing business Clear View Bag Company. I developed and line edited Finding Sustainability, Romer’s groundbreaking story of his search for sustainable plastics, due out from John Hunt Publishing May 2021. Read more. . .

SCOTT WARRENDER is a professional musician and Annie Award-nominated lyricist specializing in musical theater. I developed and line edited Warrender’s short stories and worked with him to develop his debut novel, Putaway. Read more. . .
M. TERRY GREEN enjoys a successful self-publishing career with multiple sci-fi/fantasy series set in the Multiverse, based upon her expertise in anthropology and technology. I worked with Green to develop a new speculative fiction series. Read more. . .
ANIA VESENNY, represented by Beverly Slopen Literary Agency, is a recipient of the Evelyn Sullivan Gilbertson Award for Emerging Artist in Literature and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. I developed and line edited Vesenny’s debut novel, Swearing in Russian at the Northern Lights, and her second novel, Sandara. Read more. . .
STUART WAKEFIELD is the Kindle #1 Bestselling author of Body of Water, the first novel in his Orcadian Trilogy. Body of Water was 1 of 10 books long-listed for the Polari First Book Prize. I worked with Wakefield to develop his second novel, Memory of Water, and look forward to editing the final novel of his Orcadian Trilogy, Spirit of Water. Read more. . .
GERALDINE EVANS is a bestselling British author. Her historical novel, Reluctant Queen, is a Category #1 Bestseller on Amazon UK. I worked with Evans to develop Death Dues, #11 in her fifteen popular Rafferty and Llewellyn cozy police procedurals, which received a glowing review from the Midwest Book Review. Read more. . .
JUDY LEE DUNN is an award-winning marketing blogger. I worked with Dunn to develop and line edit her memoir of reconciling her liberal activism with the emotional difficulty accepting the lesbianism of her beloved daughter, Tonight Show comedienne Kellye Rowland. Read more. . .
LEN JOY is the author of the award-winning novels American Past Time and Better Days. I worked with Len to develop his debut novel, American Past Time, from its core: a short story about the self-destructive ambitions of a Minor League baseball star. Read more. . .

ALEX KENDZIORSKI is an American physician working in South Africa on community health education and wildlife conservation. I developed and line edited Kendziorski’s debut novel, Wait a Season for Their Names, about the endangered African painted wolf, for which he is donating the profits to wildlife conservation. Read more. . .
ALEXANDRA GODFREY blogs for the New England Journal of Medicine. I work with Godfrey regularly to develop and line edit her short fiction and narrative nonfiction, including a profile of the doctor who helped save her son’s life, “Mending Broken Hearts.” Read more. . .
In addition, I work with scores of unpublished aspiring writers.