Returning from the Dead, on She Writes

It’s the week before I’m scheduled to release THE ART & CRAFT OF FICTION: A PRACTITIONER’S MANUAL in e-version, and my head is exploding. I blogged about it today on She Writes, along with an excerpt from my book, which some of you might recognize from last year as the… Read more“Returning from the Dead, on She Writes”

Voting on my book cover

Okay, guys. I need your help. We’ve been tinkering with the cover. This is one of the beauties of indie publishing (although I’ve been advised today that that’s a misleading term. . .authors who publish themselves are, technically, self-publishers and small publishers who publish other people are indie—although unless you… Read more“Voting on my book cover”

Getting into indie publishing

I’m reproducing here a blog post I wrote about indie pubishing as a guest blogger on She Writes. You’ll all recognize the reference to Pamela. I spent yesterday morning in a fascinating conversation, a twenty-minute interview that ballooned into an hour and a half. I was talking to She Writes… Read more“Getting into indie publishing”

Doing what I can for you guys

Now I’ve just realized my last post on working with an independent editor was back around NaNoWriMo, which is kind of silly. That was a really long time ago. So let’s talk a little about working with an editor. You guys want to do it. I know you do, because… Read more“Doing what I can for you guys”