Differentiating between exposition & dialog

Pointing out during an exposition can be done via a dialogue or whatever?—@so_you_know In 3rd person, is there the same leeway for expository dialogue? Still characters talking, feels different—@Wiswell Now, there are three levels of specific perspective you can employ in telling a story: dialog (“She said that?” Yes, she… Read more“Differentiating between exposition & dialog”

Differentiating between exposition & backstory

Aaaaaaaoooooh in re: expo is a backstory?—@so_you_know Then would backstory be exposition?—@marisabirns Exposition as backstory in film, often flashback scene (dreams, memories, etc.)—@AllInky So an ‘info dump’, however it is done, is not exposition?—@Story_Craft Now, we did have a great conversation about exposition on #storycraft Sunday, and I did go… Read more“Differentiating between exposition & backstory”