My novel is historical fiction. Its setting is almost unrecognizable nowadays. From the animals that once lived there to what the people wore, it almost seems like a fantasy. I feel like I have to over compensate with details to explain that it was once real. How do I establish… Read more“Setting an unfamiliar scene”
Category: Prose
Seeing the end of revision
Well, how much do you revise before you consider a piece finished? Best—@sandraslad Oh, gosh. Infinitely? Unto the ends of the earth? Until you’re dead? And then you can be like Monte Python’s plague victims: “‘Not dead yet!” “Yes, you are.” I’ve been asked this before, and the straight-forward answer… Read more“Seeing the end of revision”
Choosing your significant details
I have a very active imagination and whenever I imagine a story I become quickly aware of a ridiculous amount of details about the plot and the characters. Very often—especially with short stories— I start with an idea that I believe is quite strong in its own right. However, if… Read more“Choosing your significant details”
Tense. Tenses make me tense. Made me tense? Good grief, tell me there is/was/will be a simple trick to keeping it all straight. Thanks!—lisa Funny you should mention this, Lisa. Tense makes lots of people tense. Tense makes me tense. Lucky for you, there IS a simple trick to keeping… Read more“Tensing”