Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza Open Invitation

Due to a strong response on the subject of literary mash-ups from my essay on Rebeca Schiller’s site, Alvah’s Books, I’d like to invite all of you to join us in a Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza.

Please use two (or more!) literary sources to come up with titles and brief descriptions for possible literary mash-ups and send them to us. We’ll post as many as possible of the ones that make us laugh the hardest on this website in about a week. We’ll consider posting entire flash fiction pieces, as well.

Don Juan S.S. Valdez Quixote
A slightly mad coffee merchant spends 800 pages attacking windmills and making love to women all over Spain. Then he spills thousands of gallons of oil in an Alaskan sound. The end.

Brokeback to the Future
Doc and Marty experience a love they never knew was possible. In the sequel, they do it in the Old West, but no one watches it.

To Kill A Jonathon Livingston Seagull
Scout runs amok at Esalon.

We look forward to reading yours!

2 thoughts on “Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza Open Invitation

  1. Stacy says:

    This is a great idea.

  2. Elwood Gray says:

    Thanks, Victoria, my brain is now on fire.


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