For the record, I think we’re all in agreement (yes?) that submitting a novel climax for the Free Edit anonymously is fine. So if you’re hanging back because you’re a little shy, don’t worry about it. I can keep it anonymous for you. Although it would be even better if you made up a really cool name for yourself.
Or posted it under the name of your protagonist! That would be cool, too.
Today’s the last day of the first week of the Free Edits! After today, I probably won’t be posting any more until Monday, so you have all weekend. Do what you’ve got to do.
OH—and just so you know. We’ve been spending all week on the magazine talking about novel CLIMAXES. How to pin-point yours, how to make a scene out of a premise, how to structure that scene for maximum impact, and how to build total, complex, overwhelming significance into it. That’s at The Art and Craft of Fiction.