6 thoughts on “Sharing WIPS, or The Milk of Human Kindness

  1. Anjali says:

    Not yet! But I also don’t share my WIP with many friends!

  2. Lady Glamis says:

    Thank you for the guest post, Victoria! It has really opened my eyes to some things. 🙂

  3. Kathryn says:

    I picked up my son this a.m. from college (spring break). In exchange for two Big Macs and a large fry, he agreed to read Mirren.

    He got to the cave part….things got ugly quickly. He said it was boring.

    He’s up for adoption if anyone’s interested.


  4. Victoria says:

    I am laughing my head off, Kathryn. Did you tell him, “It’s called Saggy Middle Syndrome, smarty-pants, I know more about it than you do, and Victoria and I have it UNDER CONTROL. Now would you shut up and get to the high-speed part?”

  5. Kathryn says:

    Oh no, Victoria. He knows more than both of us put together – he is taking Creative Writing 101 this semester.

    That’s right. I’m paying for him to criticize me.


  6. Victoria says:

    Well, you pay me for it, too. Wait—uh oh.

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