Publishing, POD, eBooks, Self-Publishing
—Freelance Independent Editor FAQ

And now we’ve arrived at the fourth of the four questions I’m most frequently asked. I’ve answered: 1. Must you write to a preset wordcount, classify your novel in a predetermined genre, ‘dumb down’ your novel? and: 2. How do you know which freelance independent editors are good and which… Read more“Publishing, POD, eBooks, Self-Publishing<br>—Freelance Independent Editor FAQ”

We can’t leave fiction alone—Talking Character

Last week, Roz Morris and I had the first of our four scheduled weekly editorial chats: Talking Plot. We’re running these chats here once a week throughout the month of April. We had a fabulous time and covered all the basics of plot—Hook, Conflicts, Faux Resolution, and Climax—as well as… Read more“<em>We can’t leave fiction alone</em>—Talking Character”

Line Editing in the Twenty-First Century
—Freelance Independent Editor FAQ

We’re working our way through the four questions I’m most frequently asked. I’ve answered: 1. Must you write to a preset wordcount, classify your novel in a predetermined genre, ‘dumb down’ your novel?. We’ve talked about 2. Identifying the best freelance independenc editors and 4. What’s the inside scoop on… Read more“Line Editing in the Twenty-First Century<br>—Freelance Independent Editor FAQ”

We can’t leave fiction alone—Talking Plot

Back in January, Roz Morris and I entertained ourselves mightily with a long, rambling, self-indulgent visit about the craft of editing, We can’t leave fiction alone—Part I and We can’t leave fiction alone—Part II. And we liked it so much we decided to roll up our sleeves and do it… Read more“<em>We can’t leave fiction alone</em>—Talking Plot”

Identifying the Best Freelance Independent Editors—Indie Editor FAQ

We’re talking about the four questions I get asked most frequently. I’ve answered: 1. Must you write to a preset wordcount, classify your novel in a predetermined genre, ‘dumb down’ your novel? And we’ve talked about 3. What is this Line Editing thing of which I speak and why do… Read more“Identifying the Best Freelance Independent Editors—Indie Editor FAQ”

3 Layers of ‘Layering’ in Fiction: guest post on Writer Unboxed

In keeping with Walsh Week, I’m going to mention again that I have a post up on Therese’s site, Writer Unboxed, just in case any of you missed it (and also because I am OCD and can’t end this series without finishing the pattern of posts I’ve established). Layering is… Read more“3 Layers of ‘Layering’ in Fiction: guest post on Writer Unboxed”