Free HOOK Edit: Red letters flew into John's vision—

Red letters flew into John’s vision, projected from his Eyespy. Maps and instructions flooded the Wallscapes. Warnings wailed in his Earbug. Full evacuation? They can’t be serious. This is the third major drill since June. John glanced up at the skylight of the observation lounge where he had escaped to… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Red letters flew into John's vision—”

Free HOOK Edit: The blood pooling under the man's back—

The blood pooling under the man’s back reminded Nick of butterfly wings. They spread from the twin wounds, sweeping to each side in graceful arcs that sparkled in the sunlight from a kitchen window. Nick didn’t blink when the man writhed on the floor, choking on his blood. His yellow… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: The blood pooling under the man's back—”

Free HOOK Edit: Dear Major Bradon—

Dear Major Bradon, I’ll keep this simple for you. Technomancy: The fine art of combining science and sorcery. Technomancers: People who manage to survive combining science and sorcery. Did I mention that there aren’t that many of us? We’ve been called many things over the years, alchemists, magicians… But don’t… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Dear Major Bradon—”

Free HOOK Edit: To begin with, Marlowe was dead—

To begin with, Marlowe was dead. The police dispatcher said that over the phone, when he broke into Ben’s sleep at five a.m., and the coroner’s assistant said it again, to Ben’s face. Marlowe had been dead at least seven hours, shot and dumped in a filthy alley. The assistant… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: To begin with, Marlowe was dead—”