Let’s talk resonance. Kathryn brought up a good point in the comments on that last post, Loving in the time of cholera. I was ranting about not introducing a pivotal character too late in your story, and she wanted to know: “When is too late too late?”. . . Read… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Touching your reader’s core with resonance”
Tag: fiction writing
I try to stay up on the literary blogosphere. I read Twitter (never thought I would, but I do find a lot of links there). I check out posts on writing and querying and publishing. And I notice a remarkable thing—not a recent thing—but a stunning thing, when you think… Read more“Querying”
Pulp Rag: Loving in the time of cholera
I have this writer friend whom I love to death, but the guy has dislexia like nobody’s business, plus he doesn’t think of himself as an intellectual. He’s great if one of you has to climb a drainpipe to break into an upstairs apartment in the middle of a blistering… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Loving in the time of cholera”
Pulp Rag: Hooking, developing, climaxing
I’ve got my statues against the sky. —Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary I’ve got a confession to make. When I wrote the last post, I was trying to write a basic review of plotting. I don’t know what happened. It was Friday. . . Read the full essay on Pulp… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Hooking, developing, climaxing”
Blowing your own mind
Let’s call this Blow Your Mind Monday and look at ways to approach your Work In Progress from mind-bending perspectives. Keep in mind that the more creative you are with brainstorming, the more time and daydreaming and investment you put into knowing your characters and what happens to them both… Read more“Blowing your own mind”
Pulp Rag: Reviewing the basics of storytelling
We’ve started off with character. As it should be! Now let’s review the basics of storytelling. . . Read the full essay on Pulp Rag.
Getting rejected
Acceptance/Rejection. Two sides of the very same coin. Welcome to the publishing world. Please note: Not, “Welcome to the writing world!” Publishing—Writing. Writing—Publishing. Two different words. Two different activities. Two different universes. There is one guaranteed way to avoid literary rejection, and that is not to seek literary acceptance. It’s… Read more“Getting rejected”
Pulp Rag: Sucking your readers in with sympathetic characters
Let’s talk about sympathetic and unsympathetic characters. Unsympathetic characters can be summed up in one word: boring. . . Read the full essay on Pulp Rag.
Linking to Mystery Man On Film
I’m going to institute a new regular feature on this blog called: Linking to. Every week, I’ll find some blog of interest to fiction writers and talk a bit about it for your edification and entertainment. I’m starting with pretty much my all-time favorite writing blog, which isn’t even for… Read more“Linking to Mystery Man On Film”
Pulp Rag: Creating the internal conflict in character
“You are the most assertively confused individual I have ever seen in my life.” —Adrienne Uphoff to her husband Jeff, personal conversation Character. It’s the only reason anybody ever writes anything. . . Read the full essay on Pulp Rag.