IT ARRIVED. Hot dog, is it pretty.
Tag: indie publishing
Dreaming a three-dimensional dream
We got home from our San Francisco trip yesterday evening to a notification from Lightning Source that the proof of my book had been shipped overnight UPS. You all know what that means, don’t you? Yes, you do. I will not be eating, breathing, or blinking today until the UPS… Read more“Dreaming a three-dimensional dream”
Getting into indie publishing
I’m reproducing here a blog post I wrote about indie pubishing as a guest blogger on She Writes. You’ll all recognize the reference to Pamela. I spent yesterday morning in a fascinating conversation, a twenty-minute interview that ballooned into an hour and a half. I was talking to She Writes… Read more“Getting into indie publishing”
Silent Sorority: the second self-publishing interview
Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos independently published her book, Silent Sorority, on April 18, 2009, after eighteen months of approaching traditional publishers from her background as a professional marketer. She did her due diligence, spent five years writing her book, hired an editor and designer, identified her unique, focused market, and blogged… Read more“<em>Silent Sorority:</em> the second self-publishing interview”
Genre Wars: the first self-publishing interview
Michelle Davidson Argyle and Davin Malasarn, along with Scott G. F. Bailey, run the Literary Lab, a vibrant online community dedicated to the literary craft of fiction. In the past several months, they’ve run a contest for short stories in a variety of genres, with the results published as the… Read more“<em>Genre Wars</em>: the first self-publishing interview”