How to Find Joy & Fulfillment through Writing

I’m not here this month—December is my month to go offline every year and watch my son grow up. I really don’t have any time to lose. So I’ll be blogging in absentia a series of posts on how to find everything you need through the craft of writing, this… Read more“How to Find Joy & Fulfillment through Writing”

23 Inevitable Questions to Ask Yourself
at the End of NaNoWriMo

Guess what I spent the Thanksgiving holiday doing? That’s right—giving myself repetitive stress injury writing my annual 45,000-word children’s book for my son. I didn’t start until halfway through November this year, so it got pretty darn busy toward the end there. Now I have a completed book (hurrah!), but… Read more“23 Inevitable Questions to Ask Yourself <br>at the End of NaNoWriMo”

Story Climax: The Whole Point: guest post for Jami Gold

Jami Gold runs her blog under the slogan, “Beach Reads with Bite.” Her eclectic crowd of paranormal and, as Jami says, otherwise “not normal” writers/readers makes her blog one of those wonderful cult hubs of rampant creativity out there in the online writing community. And this week Jami’s hosting an… Read more“Story Climax: The Whole Point: guest post for Jami Gold”

Doot, doot, doot—Being interviewed on The Creative Penn

I know I mentioned this the day Joanna put it up on YouTube, but I’m going to mention it again because today she’s putting it up on her blog, The Creative Penn. Joanna Penn has interviewed me on video! Go visit her! She’s providing a written explication of the points… Read more“<em>Doot, doot, doot</em>—Being interviewed on The Creative Penn”

Using Character to Fuel Momentum: guest post on Tartitude

Jan O’Hara recently made Twitter history by starting the #FreetheRealPorter movement about my recent interviewee Porter Anderson. She also stood up for my lace curtains, because of course all the right people understand about lace curtains. She’s the voice of the Unpublished Writer on Writer Unboxed, secretly a family physician… Read more“Using Character to Fuel Momentum: guest post on Tartitude”

Debuting on video—A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, interviewed by Joanna Penn

For years, I’ve been holding my husband and son captive over the dinner table as I wave my hands and rant and rave about fiction, writing, publishing, all the many and wonderful intricacies of this extraordinary art and craft. For years. Recently, I’ve been interviewed online in a number of… Read more“Debuting on video—A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, interviewed by Joanna Penn”

Playing Fair with Resonance: guest post on Mystery Writing is Murder

As part of Elizabeth Craig week, I’m guest posting on her blog, Mystery Writing is Murder, with an excerpt from The Art & Craft of Story: 2nd Practitioner’s Manual on a topic close to the hearts of all readers: Fair Play. What is it? Why is it ‘resonant’? And what… Read more“Playing Fair with Resonance: guest post on Mystery Writing is Murder”

Dying of envy—the Elizabeth Craig mystery interview

Elizabeth Spann Craig is well-known in the online writing community for her Writers Knowledge Base—the Search Engine for Writers, where she maintains links to all the best posts on writing online, and her weekly Twitterific post, rounding up the weeks’ exchange of writing posts through Twitter on her blog, Mystery… Read more“<em>Dying of envy</em>—the Elizabeth Craig mystery interview”

Grammar expose—using ‘they’ for third-person singular

I don’t usually futz around with grammar issues here, but this one came up and it’s kind of an exception, so I’m going to give you a little grammar lesson today. You all know me well enough to know I don’t make too many grammatical howlers, and you probably also… Read more“Grammar expose—using ‘they’ for third-person singular”