Hating the essay I’m writing this minute

I’m very happy to post this guest essay by the curiously refreshing Amy Carey, author of numerous articles on parenting, fitness, travel, and health: I used to think writer’s block was a myth. Maybe writers got distracted or felt uninspired, but certainly they weren’t unable to write. Then, for several… Read more“Hating the essay I’m writing this minute”

3 Vital Steps to Creating Your Protagonist for NaNoWriMo

We’re talking about how to approach the first draft of your novel this month, in honor of NaNoWriMo, Last week we talked about the 3 Essential Guidelines for your overall novel, and the week before that we talked about Running into the Jaws of NaNoWriMo. And today we’re going to… Read more“3 Vital Steps to Creating Your Protagonist for NaNoWriMo”

3 Essential Guidelines for NaNoWriMo

Every year I write a series of NaNoWriMo posts like the bizarre and inexplicable 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Unforgettable, 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive, and 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Inescapable. Last week we looked at Running into the Jaws of NaNoWriMo. And for… Read more“3 Essential Guidelines for NaNoWriMo”

23 Inevitable Questions to Ask Yourself
at the End of NaNoWriMo

Guess what I spent the Thanksgiving holiday doing? That’s right—giving myself repetitive stress injury writing my annual 45,000-word children’s book for my son. I didn’t start until halfway through November this year, so it got pretty darn busy toward the end there. Now I have a completed book (hurrah!), but… Read more“23 Inevitable Questions to Ask Yourself <br>at the End of NaNoWriMo”

4 Post-Its to Stick Up Over Your Writing Desk

When you sit down to write today, take a moment to scribble these 4 things on 4 post-its. Then stick ’em up over your writing desk. “What if. . .” Write down the “what if?” PREMISE of your novel. Then every time you look up, pondering where to go after… Read more“4 Post-Its to Stick Up Over Your Writing Desk”

Launching head-first into NaNoWriMo

“Knock me down, pick me up, knock me down again. Break my heart, steal my gold, slander my good name.” —Gordon Lightfoot, “Sixteen Miles” You’re alone in a room with your keyboard. It’s 11:55 on Halloween. You’re about to start NaNoWriMo. Your fingers are poised. Your heart is racing. You’ve… Read more“Launching head-first into NaNoWriMo”

Guest essay for NaNoWriMo

As the clock strikes midnight on Halloween, 2009, Penultimate kicks off NaNoWriMo with a guest essay. By me. At a few minutes after midnight, it will be my wedding anniversary. Yes, exactly a few minutes. Coincidentally, today my husband discovered the most extraordinary interactive site in the world—a comparative illustration… Read more“Guest essay for NaNoWriMo”