Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #5

The Long Farewell, My Lovely Philip Marlowe gets hopelessly confused and rescues a psychotic young woman with a happy triggerfinger from the law, while Moose Malone deals rough justice all over Los Angeles before taking off for Mexico. Nick Now We Are Six Degrees of Separation Christopher Robin grows up… Read more“Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #5”

Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #4

Long Day’s Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne’s science fiction classic of a squabbling family fighting off prehistoric sea serpents and each other. Jack Shakely Sea is for Cortez Kinsey Millhone follows Doc Rickets to Mexico, where she rescues him from the love and affection of a… Read more“Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #4”

Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #2

The Maltese Windup Bird Chronicle When his cat goes missing, Sam suspects the Falcon. But before initiating pursuit, he stops by his neighbor’s house to have psychic sex. Cold comfort indeed! Sue Z. Smith Pride and Premeditation in Cold Blood It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man who… Read more“Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #2”

Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #1

I can’t stop thinking up those litticisms. –my husband Due to the staggering quality and variety of the submissions received for the Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, we co-hosts have thrown caution (and judging) to the winds and will post all of the submissions, ten at a time in no particular order,… Read more“Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #1”

Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza Open Invitation

Due to a strong response on the subject of literary mash-ups from my essay on Rebeca Schiller’s site, Alvah’s Books, I’d like to invite all of you to join us in a Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza. Please use two (or more!) literary sources to come up with titles and brief descriptions… Read more“Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza Open Invitation”