Catching up with those illuminated manuscripts—I mean, ebooks

Check out this fascinating look at the evolution of publishing by O’Reilly’s VP of digital initiatives. Are ebooks the new quad type? And this Week in Review in the NY Times on the history of the relationship between reading and socializing. Didn’t they read Dickens out loud around the fire?… Read more“Catching up with those illuminated manuscripts—I mean, ebooks”

Bouncing down, down through holographic fiction

We’re talking about holographic fiction in three different articles on the magazine this week: Bouncing like a yo-yo. kaboing. kaboing. kaboing. Macrocosm. Microcosm. Macrocosm. Microcosm. Cosmology. Quantum physics. The holography of fiction. In the cosmology of your novel, you’ve got a Hook (big bang!), leading into Conflict #1 with its… Read more“Bouncing down, down through holographic fiction”

Commenting on Tupperware

Okay, I have to comment on this: Publisher’s Marketplace says today that, “Disney Book Group publisher Jonathan Yaged is leaving the company for the plum job of chief operating officer of, a company that organizes modern-day Tupperware parties, PW reports.” It’s more lucrative now to be the boss of… Read more“Commenting on Tupperware”

Knocking 25% for Valentine’s Day

I almost forgot! I’m doing a Valentine’s Day 2010 Special. Last year I did a Valentine’s Day Mystery Writing Challenge, in which everyone wrote mysteries for Valentine’s Day. We killed off Margaret Spoon. Which seems like an odd thing to do to her for Valentine’s Day, but even odder when… Read more“Knocking 25% for Valentine’s Day”

Last day: Free Edit of your novel’s CLIMAX

This is it, guys! Our last day. If you’ve got a climax you could really use a professional editor’s advice on—not just Developmental Editing, but a Copy & Line Edit, as well—shoop it on over. After today, we go back to business as usual. Check out the rules, such as… Read more“<em>Last day:</em> Free Edit of your novel’s CLIMAX”

Doing what I can for you guys

Now I’ve just realized my last post on working with an independent editor was back around NaNoWriMo, which is kind of silly. That was a really long time ago. So let’s talk a little about working with an editor. You guys want to do it. I know you do, because… Read more“Doing what I can for you guys”

Free CLIMAX Edit: Kathryn

Free CLIMAX Edit #6 goes to Kathryn Rushing, whose MG novel is set in the Zagros Mountains thousands of years ago. Kathryn wins a free private email chat about her writing! Setup Twelve-year-old Mirren has found her father, Kanen, high in the mountains where he has been sent to capture… Read more“Free CLIMAX Edit: <em>Kathryn</em>”