A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, Pulp Rag

First things first. I want to thank all you readers who made those amazing, wonderful, supportive comments while I was trying to figure out what to do with this blog: Lady Glamis, Laura Eno, Jordan McCollum, Stephanie St. Clair, Amy, Kathryn Estrada, Amy Sue Nathan, Jeffrey Russell, Andrew, BenM, techtigger,… Read more“A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, <em>Pulp Rag</em>”

Stalking the classic mystery again

I’m still reading brilliant mysteries (mixed in with a few non-brilliant ones) this summer from my fabulous new Brilliant Mystery Outlet, the local thrift shop. Here are the latest highlights: A Case of Spirits, by Peter Lovesey, 1975: They’re billed as Sergeant Cribb adventures, but Cribb is the least of… Read more“Stalking the classic mystery again”

Reading a freaking script

Josh Olson raised the roof this week with his blisteringly straight-forward rant in the New York Village Voice, I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script. I’ve never seen one of his movies, I’ve never read any of his scripts, I’d never heard of him before I read his article, and… Read more“Reading a freaking script”

Other bloggers mentioning copyright

Daniel Scocco has written an article for Daily Blog Tips on how to avoid accidentally violating someone else’s copyright that every blogger should read: Copyright Law: 12 Dos and Don’ts. And Tibi Puiu of the Lost Art of Blogging has an excellent article on what to do when (not if)… Read more“Other bloggers mentioning copyright”

Call for submissions to Genre Wars Contest

Fast-Breaking Bulletin from the Literary Lab submitted by Michelle Davidson Argyle We’d like to announce our 2009 Genre Wars Fiction Writing Contest! We invite fiction writers to submit your 1 to 2,000-word short stories to us. The contest deadline is December 1, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. PST, and we plan… Read more“Call for submissions to Genre Wars Contest”

Mentioning copyright

Where’d they go? The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed my blog posts have disappeared—all but the latest and those containing your own work. How many of you are familiar with a thing called copyright? If you want to be writers, you’d better be. Wow, I had about six golden… Read more“Mentioning copyright”

Grammar, humor, and dangling your participles

I am very happy to post this guest essay by the highly successful writer Laverne Daley, thirty-year veteran of corporate copywriting and freelance journalism: The notion of grammar and humor first struck me when I was writing an earlier post on my site (Precision in Writing – Is That Word… Read more“Grammar, humor, and dangling your participles”

Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print

Laverne Daley is a long-time independent journalist for magazines and newspapers all over the country. And when I contacted her about guest posting for each other, she did a wonderful, heart-warming thing—she offered to teach me exactly what she does and how she does it. “When I was starting out,… Read more“Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print”