Free HOOK Edit: The wolf would have been mistaken—

The wolf would have been mistaken for a large dog in the low light. Alexis wasn’t fooled. She knew who and what he was. His hackles slowly raised and he bared his teeth. “I’m not going back, Quinn.” Alexis hugged the bag closer, shielding herself from the intense, glowing eyes… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: The wolf would have been mistaken—”

Free HOOK Edit: My guitar case bounced—

My guitar case bounced against my trembling knee. My boot stomped the rhythm I’d practiced all week: “Heart You” by OK Morale: You think you’re no one special You think you’re alone, but— “Mox” “Mox” “Moxie!” I turned to Summer. “What are you thinking?” “The Unbearable Lightness of Being.” “You’re… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: My guitar case bounced—”

Free HOOK Edit: A lot of people think garbage collectors are idiots—

A lot of people think garbage collectors are idiots. I’m not just saying this because it’s what I do for a living. There are documented studies, although frankly what kind of numbskull would pay for such a study? The logic goes, it’s smelly, you have to get up early, it’s demeaning—how stupid… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: A lot of people think garbage collectors are idiots—”