3 Things I Learned from Henry James

First things first: I’m being interviewed by Katie Weiland over on AuthorCulture. Have you ever wondered whether or not independent editing means staying home all day in your jammies? Now’s your chance to find out! Second: I promised you guys back in December that whatever I learned from the fabulous… Read more“3 Things I Learned from Henry James”

Feelin’ groovy—the Katie Weiland interview

Last winter when I was trading guest posts with the other Top 10 Blogs for Writers, K.M. Weiland and I swapped posts on 5 Writing Rules Your Should Break and The 4 Most Common Mistakes Fiction Editors See. She’s been extremely busy since then, as I’ve discovered, and now she’s… Read more“<em>Feelin’ groovy</em>—the Katie Weiland interview”