3 More Things to Know About Exposition & Telling

We talked last week about an alarmingly bizarre piece of writing advice one of my clients got from an agent in response to her requested full manuscript. We also talked about exposition & telling and why they’re pretty much exactly the same thing, even though I know we out here… Read more“3 More Things to Know About Exposition & Telling”

3 Things I Learned from Henry James

First things first: I’m being interviewed by Katie Weiland over on AuthorCulture. Have you ever wondered whether or not independent editing means staying home all day in your jammies? Now’s your chance to find out! Second: I promised you guys back in December that whatever I learned from the fabulous… Read more“3 Things I Learned from Henry James”

Pulp Rag: Inflicting cause-&-effect upon your reader with Henry James

“I went to confer a favour and you will go to ask one. If they are proud you will be on the right side.” —Henry James as Mrs. Prest, “The Aspern Papers” Henry James was a writer of the first order, with an understanding of character astonishing in its depth,… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Inflicting cause-&-effect upon your reader with Henry James”