Hey, Craig!
the Craig Bartlett interview

I met Craig Bartlett in 1980 on the The Evergreen State College Cooper Point Journal, where he was staff cartoonist and photographer and I was production manager. We were young, barely 20, and following in the footsteps of Lynda Barry and Matt Groening, who’d been running the Cooper Point Journal… Read more“<em>Hey, Craig!</em><br> the Craig Bartlett interview”

Pulp Rag: Messing with each other’s head: dialog in action

Shall we see if I can get through a whole post about dialog talking about. . .dialog? I follow Twitter. Not enough, apparently, to see everything that goes by, because lots of people use it as a mirror they glance into constantly throughout the day assuming—I guess—the rest of us… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Messing with each other’s head: dialog in action”

Developmental Editing

Do you ever wonder exactly what a full Developmental Editing letter looks like? How the conversation starts when you hire an editor to work over your plot with you—to make sure it tells the story you want to tell, in the most gripping possible terms, to keep a reader completely… Read more“Developmental Editing”

Launching head-first into NaNoWriMo

“Knock me down, pick me up, knock me down again. Break my heart, steal my gold, slander my good name.” —Gordon Lightfoot, “Sixteen Miles” You’re alone in a room with your keyboard. It’s 11:55 on Halloween. You’re about to start NaNoWriMo. Your fingers are poised. Your heart is racing. You’ve… Read more“Launching head-first into NaNoWriMo”