Searching for Entertainment-Industry Intelligence: guest post on Storyfix

Hey, everyone! Larry Brooks is hosting me today over on Storyfix with an excerpt from The Art & Craft of Story: 2nd Practitioner’s Manual, which is scheduled to be released tomorrow. Oh, boy! Do you know what SETI stands for? What the National Academy of Sciences’ Science & Entertainment Exchange… Read more“Searching for Entertainment-Industry Intelligence: guest post on Storyfix”

Feelin’ groovy—the Katie Weiland interview

Last winter when I was trading guest posts with the other Top 10 Blogs for Writers, K.M. Weiland and I swapped posts on 5 Writing Rules Your Should Break and The 4 Most Common Mistakes Fiction Editors See. She’s been extremely busy since then, as I’ve discovered, and now she’s… Read more“<em>Feelin’ groovy</em>—the Katie Weiland interview”

Remembering the future
—the next incarnation of the Roz Morris interviews

Roz Morris is back!—smarter, wittier, more profound than ever. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better. . .please pull up a chair and join us for the seventh (yes, one, two, three, four, five, six—the seventh!) Roz Morris interview: V: Welcome back, Roz! It’s as though you never… Read more“<em>Remembering the future</em><br>—the next incarnation of the Roz Morris interviews”

Interviewing Roz Morris

She’s baaack!. . . Roz Morris, best selling ghostwriter, owner of the popular Nail Your Novel blog, and author of Nail Your Novel: Why Writers Abandon Books and How You Can Draft, Fix and Finish With Confidence—back in my study, back in the interview chair, back in the news. This… Read more“Interviewing Roz Morris”

Story engineering—the Larry Brooks interview

You all remember Larry Brooks of the Top 10 Blogs for Writers. He wrote a guest post for me, Self-Editing at the Story Level, last March. That same week, he hosted me on his site, Storyfix, with the guest post, The Bootstrapping Writer—The Secret at the Core of Competency. Larry… Read more“<em>Story engineering</em>—the Larry Brooks interview”

Sneak previews of The Art & Craft of Story:
2nd Practitioner’s Manual

I’ve spent the month of August incognito working on my next book, The Art & Craft of Story: 2nd Practitioner’s Manual, an in-depth study of the Developmental Issues of plot structure and character development, with a long, luxurious discussion of storytelling. It’s scheduled to be released September 30, just in… Read more“Sneak previews of <em>The Art & Craft of Story: <br>2nd Practitioner’s Manual</em>”