I was sent a letter; that’s how it began. I went round by my mother’s house, and there it lay, on the floor in the dim front hall among the bills and credit card applications and grocery store flyers. I didn’t recognize the hand¬writing; it was pencil, a pointed and… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: I was sent a letter—<br>by Agatha Dellamonde”
Category: Meet the Editor
That’s me.
Free HOOK Edit: I was sent a letter—
Free HOOK Edit: Elizabeth couldn’t decide
Elizabeth couldn’t decide. The silver silk pumps said 1940’s all over, and the fat bulge over the heel gave her ankle a nice, twisting slenderness. But the stilettos were classic black, and she’d always had a soft spot for the classic. The toes weren’t too agonizing. She sure could see… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Elizabeth couldn’t decide”
How History Affects Fiction: guest post on Alvah’s Books
I became friends with Rebeca Schiller, editor of the literary review and essay site Alvah’s books, when I wrote her a guest post called Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance. And now I’m back at her site discussing the place of literature in history. This piece actually turned up later… Read more“How History Affects Fiction: guest post on Alvah’s Books”
Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. —Thoreau So I’m having a wild time over on Nathan Bransford’s blog, where my post “Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Novel, in 1,000 Words” went up yesterday. People have been… Read more“Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog”
Upcoming guest post on Nathan Bransford's blog
I just learned my article “Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Novel, in 1,000 Words” will be one of the guest posts on Nathan Bransford’s blog this coming week, while he’s out doing good in the world. Yes, I’m pretty happy about it. I do want to thank… Read more“Upcoming guest post on Nathan Bransford's blog”
Guest post on Ask Wendy
Wendy-Burt-Thomas is the author of the wildly-popular Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters. She’s smart, entertaining, and great fun to hang out with. And in the course of talking about our books, we discovered we are twin souls: we both love to make up bad examples. So please join us… Read more“Guest post on Ask Wendy”
Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print
Laverne Daley is a long-time independent journalist for magazines and newspapers all over the country. And when I contacted her about guest posting for each other, she did a wonderful, heart-warming thing—she offered to teach me exactly what she does and how she does it. “When I was starting out,… Read more“Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print”
Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books
Rebeca Schiller used to call her site something like, “I’m at the beach,” and I got pulled in by the beautiful photograph of a white sand beach somewhere I am not. Later she changed it to Alvah’s Books after the “Hollywood Ten” screenwriter Alvah Bessie, who stood up, alongside Humphrey… Read more“Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books”
Guest post on Life Dev
My first ever guest post: The Art Inside Your Head, on Life Dev.