Making a scene out of your climax

So you’re sitting at the table in the captain’s cabin across from Assuipe, guzzling wine and trying not to bang your elbows on the brass table rail that keeps stuff from flying off during storms. He’s allowed you to change your britches, but you’re still wondering whether your heart will… Read more“Making a scene out of your climax”

3 Essential Guidelines for NaNoWriMo

Every year I write a series of NaNoWriMo posts like the bizarre and inexplicable 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Unforgettable, 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive, and 5 Ways to Make Your Novel Inescapable. Last week we looked at Running into the Jaws of NaNoWriMo. And for… Read more“3 Essential Guidelines for NaNoWriMo”

5 Ways to Make Your Novel Unforgettable

Only the invisible bears us up; we speak together in the shocking darkness, each carrying the other somehow, unseen.—Derek Raymond Here’s the thing about storytelling, folks: it has to have a purpose. Why are you telling this story? I mean, what’s your point? If your point is that writing fiction… Read more“5 Ways to Make Your Novel Unforgettable”

Pulp Rag: Crafting an impossible plot with Maria Dermout

“All of us, always, when we’re young, have to hold something for those who are old, and we drop it and want to get away, and draw a ship in the sand to reach a new country, and we always forget the ballast—there is no ballast but the earth of… Read more“<em>Pulp Rag:</em> Crafting an impossible plot with Maria Dermout”

Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog

How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. —Thoreau So I’m having a wild time over on Nathan Bransford’s blog, where my post “Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Novel, in 1,000 Words” went up yesterday. People have been… Read more“Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog”