Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog

How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. —Thoreau So I’m having a wild time over on Nathan Bransford’s blog, where my post “Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Novel, in 1,000 Words” went up yesterday. People have been… Read more“Bringing you the party from Nathan Bransford's blog”

Upcoming guest post on Nathan Bransford's blog

I just learned my article “Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Novel, in 1,000 Words” will be one of the guest posts on Nathan Bransford’s blog this coming week, while he’s out doing good in the world. Yes, I’m pretty happy about it. I do want to thank… Read more“Upcoming guest post on Nathan Bransford's blog”

Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print

Laverne Daley is a long-time independent journalist for magazines and newspapers all over the country. And when I contacted her about guest posting for each other, she did a wonderful, heart-warming thing—she offered to teach me exactly what she does and how she does it. “When I was starting out,… Read more“Handling Rejection: guest post on Words into Print”

Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books

Rebeca Schiller used to call her site something like, “I’m at the beach,” and I got pulled in by the beautiful photograph of a white sand beach somewhere I am not. Later she changed it to Alvah’s Books after the “Hollywood Ten” screenwriter Alvah Bessie, who stood up, alongside Humphrey… Read more“Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books”