A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, Pulp Rag

First things first. I want to thank all you readers who made those amazing, wonderful, supportive comments while I was trying to figure out what to do with this blog: Lady Glamis, Laura Eno, Jordan McCollum, Stephanie St. Clair, Amy, Kathryn Estrada, Amy Sue Nathan, Jeffrey Russell, Andrew, BenM, techtigger,… Read more“A. Victoria Mixon, Editor, <em>Pulp Rag</em>”

Stalking the classic mystery again

I’m still reading brilliant mysteries (mixed in with a few non-brilliant ones) this summer from my fabulous new Brilliant Mystery Outlet, the local thrift shop. Here are the latest highlights: A Case of Spirits, by Peter Lovesey, 1975: They’re billed as Sergeant Cribb adventures, but Cribb is the least of… Read more“Stalking the classic mystery again”

Reading a freaking script

Josh Olson raised the roof this week with his blisteringly straight-forward rant in the New York Village Voice, I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script. I’ve never seen one of his movies, I’ve never read any of his scripts, I’d never heard of him before I read his article, and… Read more“Reading a freaking script”

Call for submissions to Genre Wars Contest

Fast-Breaking Bulletin from the Literary Lab submitted by Michelle Davidson Argyle We’d like to announce our 2009 Genre Wars Fiction Writing Contest! We invite fiction writers to submit your 1 to 2,000-word short stories to us. The contest deadline is December 1, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. PST, and we plan… Read more“Call for submissions to Genre Wars Contest”

Mentioning copyright

Where’d they go? The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed my blog posts have disappeared—all but the latest and those containing your own work. How many of you are familiar with a thing called copyright? If you want to be writers, you’d better be. Wow, I had about six golden… Read more“Mentioning copyright”

Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books

Rebeca Schiller used to call her site something like, “I’m at the beach,” and I got pulled in by the beautiful photograph of a white sand beach somewhere I am not. Later she changed it to Alvah’s Books after the “Hollywood Ten” screenwriter Alvah Bessie, who stood up, alongside Humphrey… Read more“Literary Mashing, or Zombies Don’t Dance: guest post on Alvah’s Books”