Steam rose from the surface of Gina’s latte. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Your face. You look—” “I was jogging. I ran here.” Gina dumped a packet of sugar into her cup. “Not that. You look a little—spent.” “I am spent. I’m single-parenting while Todd’s out of town.” “He’s still out… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Steam rose from the surface—”
Tag: free edit
Free HOOK Edit: Katie had just taken the first bite—
Katie had just taken the first bite of cake when the world stopped. Focused on the chocolate icing melting on her tongue, it took a moment to assimilate the absence of sound in the room. She looked up from her plate and stared at the party guests frozen in time…. Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Katie had just taken the first bite—”
Free HOOK Edit: The uninhabited island—
The uninhabited island lay thirty meters to port, and somewhere beyond the white sand beach an ambush. In the star-filled blackness of night neither were visible to the man standing alone on the bow of the ship, but the sound of the waves rolling across the wide, shallow reef placed… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: The uninhabited island—”
HOOKING question
@Doublelattemama has asked why I’m limiting the hooks to 150 words. Is that really how long a novel’s hook is supposed to be? Well, the first part of that answer is that that’s as long as I can handle if I’m doing multiple hooks for free every week. I had… Read more“HOOKING question”
Free HOOK Edit: Sherman hated this town—
Sherman hated this town, he hated his life, but most of all, he hated this job. He looked over the counter at the customer and asked, “Would you like fries with that?” “Ha! That’s priceless!” The woman grinned at him. “They actually made you say that back then—I mean, back… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Sherman hated this town—”
Free HOOK Edit: I was happy—
I was happy. Life was good. I had a beautiful twenty-two year old daughter, a successful practice, numerous friends, and a nice home. Now I have nothing to speak of, all because of those evil boys. My daughter is dead though she died months before her death. My practice is… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: I was happy—”
Free HOOK Edit: When I saw him shot through the head—
When I saw him shot through the head, it was unexpected, but it was less of a surprise than one might think. I had seen it before. It was always the same. Driven by some reflexive impulse I couldn’t seem to overcome, I looked up and followed the trajectory from… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: When I saw him shot through the head—”
Free HOOK Edit: Bethany is stalking me—
Bethany is stalking me outside my cubicle. She’s sauntering back and forth like a slinky tiger. Her shoes, sleek and shiny and sharp-toed, are like silky claws. The pointy heels dig into the bland blue-gray carpet. As soon as I hang up the phone, Bethany plops down on my desk…. Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Bethany is stalking me—”
Free HOOK Edit: Red letters flew into John's vision—
Red letters flew into John’s vision, projected from his Eyespy. Maps and instructions flooded the Wallscapes. Warnings wailed in his Earbug. Full evacuation? They can’t be serious. This is the third major drill since June. John glanced up at the skylight of the observation lounge where he had escaped to… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: Red letters flew into John's vision—”
Free HOOK Edit: The blood pooling under the man's back—
The blood pooling under the man’s back reminded Nick of butterfly wings. They spread from the twin wounds, sweeping to each side in graceful arcs that sparkled in the sunlight from a kitchen window. Nick didn’t blink when the man writhed on the floor, choking on his blood. His yellow… Read more“Free HOOK Edit: The blood pooling under the man's back—”