Submitting a Free Edit novel CLIMAX anonymously

For the record, I think we’re all in agreement (yes?) that submitting a novel climax for the Free Edit anonymously is fine. So if you’re hanging back because you’re a little shy, don’t worry about it. I can keep it anonymous for you. Although it would be even better if… Read more“Submitting a Free Edit novel CLIMAX anonymously”

Blogging to promote your book

So, my sys admin just got back from Community Leadership Summit West, a conference for online community managers. That’s what he does. He manages an online community. That’s actually what I do, too, except he gets paid. This is important to writers because of the way the publishing industry is… Read more“Blogging to promote your book”

Catching up on 2009 in 2010

Happy New Year 2010 to you all! I hope you had as peaceful a New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day as we did here at our house, ensconced by the fire by a lovely (dying) tree all lit up, towers of new books next to everyone’s chair, sleeping cats… Read more“Catching up on 2009 in 2010”

Being in the right place at the right time

NaNoWriMo has come and gone, and there are now millions more written words in the world than there were a month ago. Aspiring writers all over America—all over the planet—are sitting in front of their masterpieces wondering what they have to to do to them before they can start querying… Read more“Being in the right place at the right time”

Developmental Editing

Do you ever wonder exactly what a full Developmental Editing letter looks like? How the conversation starts when you hire an editor to work over your plot with you—to make sure it tells the story you want to tell, in the most gripping possible terms, to keep a reader completely… Read more“Developmental Editing”

Evaluating an editor

Hey, guys! Jane Friedman of Writer’s Digest has a post this morning containing links to a whole plethora of stuff on her blog about the world of writing and publishing. Why am I telling you this? Well, for one thing, Jane and I had a chat on Twitter the other… Read more“Evaluating an editor”

Reading a freaking script

Josh Olson raised the roof this week with his blisteringly straight-forward rant in the New York Village Voice, I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script. I’ve never seen one of his movies, I’ve never read any of his scripts, I’d never heard of him before I read his article, and… Read more“Reading a freaking script”